My technical drama appears to be over---at least temporarily. HP was able to con me into their $99 extended contract bullshit, if that's any indication of how often my PC decides to be wack. Here's the thing though---I'm gonna be grown about the whole situation. I'm gonna just suck it up---quit bitchin'---and hit you with the links:
"The Bizness" is a dope lil' hip-hop joint by Defari. Download it for free at MP34U: http://www.mp34u.com/songCard.php?posting=3262.
The Number One Songs In Heaven is featuring "Under the Street Lamp" by Joe Bataan. If you aren't familiar with his work, his style is primarily a combination of R&B, soul, and Afro-Cuban music. If you're a fan of any of these genres, I'd highly recommend checking out this track:
http://www.londonlee.com/blog.html. My man also took a stab at hip-hop when he released "Rap-O, Cap-O", but we're not going to even begin to discuss that shit...
An interview with Jean Grae here: http://www.hiphopdx.com/index/features/id.492.
At Marathonpacks, the song "What You Want" (The Roots w/Jaguar Wright) is currently available. This track "ain't the freshest", but since it was released on a soundtrack, I'm posting a link for any Roots fans who haven't already copped it: http://www.marathonpacks.com/.
For a host of different reasons, the media seems to really enjoy blaming hip-hop for just about every societal ill plaguing our collective existence. This article (which has appeared in numerous publications) faults rap music for the "code of silence"on the streets. Allegedly, hip-hop is encouraging a lack of cooperation with law enforcement---Lil Kim's recent perjury charges are cited as one example. That argument's just great, except as far as know, snitches always got stitches. My guess is that personal safety concerns and tangible reasons to mistrust police outweigh anything that your favorite MC could possibly say:
Download "Remember My Name" by Fort Minor here:
Scenestars is featuring "Aid Dealer", a track from the latest Coldcut LP, Sound Mirrors:
If you haven't already copped it, download "Whatchu Want" by Biggie and Jay-Z at Spine Magazine. This is from the upcoming Duets album. Unlike many of the other tracks, this is actually a duet---I still can't understand why so many of these cuts have 3 MCs. Back in the day, we called that type of shit a trio---what gives?:
Video footage of Biggie and Tupac freestylin':
Download "Oh Daddy" by Beanie Sigel and Young Chris at Am I High?: http://amihigh.blogspot.com/.
Microsoft plans to update its security features to detect and remove part of the copyright protection tools installed on PCs when certain Sony music CDs are played: http://news.com.com/Microsoft+will+wipe+Sonys+rootkit/2100-1002_3-5949041.html.
Download "Fly That Knot" by Talib Kweli and MF Doom (produced by Kanye) at Straight Bangin':
US Attorney General Alberto Gonzales is drafting new anti-piracy legislation. Read the details here: http://www.nobodysmiling.com/hiphop/news/85368.php. Gonzales states in this article that he's crafting this bill to further illustrate the Bush administration's ongoing efforts to suppress piracy. And that, kids, speaks volumes about the days and times in which we live in America. It's perfectly fine for large numbers of people to die (or be injured) in a ridiculous war, but dammit---don't you dare even fuckin' think about illegally copying a CD. You got that, dummy?
1 comment:
this is the most amazing music, of the world, the hip hop, and "The Bizness are my favorite, thank you so much for sharing the links
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