When I was still rockin' pull-ups and pacifiers, nothing was cooler to me than Sesame Street. It's kind of surprising in a way, because I hated mosted of the other television shows that people made me endure when I was too short to put up a decent fight. I could never stand to watch shit like Mister Rogers or Captain Kangaroo, because I was afraid to be alone in a room with those dudes. People in my family watched horror flicks all the time, and they never made me afraid---but telepedophiles in pastel sweaters would literally scare the shit out of me...
Anyway, learning has never been quite as funktastic as it was on Sesame Street. I came across this video of the pinball number count the other day, and it caused me to completely regress back into the best of my childhood years. The trippy animation and soulful soundtrack blend together perfectly, creating what is quite possibly the dopest method for teaching little people the art of enumeration. If you have a blunt, smoke it---then check the video here: http://www.devilducky.com/media/41257/.
In case you haven't recognized, the song in this clip was performed by the Pointer Sisters. If you're a superfreak like me, you may be inclined to download the mp3 for the audio track here:
Cop a new "freestyle" by Nas over at Nah Right:
It probably seemed ludicrous to many of you when I predicted that the Taj Mahal would one day be replaced by a McDonald's. Now it seems as if I might actually possess some powers of prophetic wisdom. Peep this amusing article about the franchise's plans to construct a drive-thru on the moon: http://www.avantnews.com/modules/news/article.php?storyid=221.
I have been waiting for several years for American audiences to offer the Five Deez the status and recognition that they deserve. These guys are from Cincinnati, Ohio, but they get more love in Tokyo than they've ever received here. My best guess on their lack of popularity is that they're not thuggish enough for the vast majority of hip-hop listeners in this country. Still--open your mind, throw on a backpack, and download their track "BMW" here:
Al Sharpton disses The Boondocks over MLK episode:
If you've never heard "Summertime" done by Bobby Womack and The Roots, you can download the mp3 here:
Soul Shower has been on fire this past week, posting mp3s by Irma Thomas, Betty Everett, and Billy Preston:
Finally, The Rap Nerd ( http://www.rapnerd.blogspot.com/) is spontaneously resurrected, while it's R.I.P. to Looking For the Perfect Beat (http://boombap.net/theperfectbeat/).